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Please be informed that you have ($5,000,000,00) Lodged in our
Western Union Office to transfer to you as Compensation.Contact
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ich komme.
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Sehr geehrter Herr,Ich bin Saadi Gaddafi, der dritte Sohn des späten Oberst Muammar Gaddafi.Ich werde sehr durch die schändliche Brutalität entsetzt und gevergangen,die die Morde an meinem Vater und an Bruder begleitete.
Die unvereinbarenAussagen, die vom nationalen Übergangsrat herausgegeben werden, dieprovisorische Berechtigung der libyschen Republik (NTC) diese barbarischenDurchführungen entschuldigend und der groteske Missbrauch der Leichenmachen es deutlich, dass keine Person, die mit dem ehemaligen Regime odermeiner Familie zusammengeschlossen wird, ein faires Gerichtsverfahren inLibyen empfängt noch sie Gerechtigkeit für die Verbrechen empfangen, diegegen sie begangen werden.
Ich bin momentan in Niger und innen früh - September, den mir der Urlaubgegeben wurde, zum auf humanitärem Boden zu bleiben durch die Behörden.Bevor dieser „KRIEG", der im Februar 2011, mein Vater begonnen wurde, miteiner Sicherheitsgesellschaft in Irland zu verschobener sehr großerGeldsumme ordnete (FÜR SICHERHEITSGRÜNDE, die ICH NICHT DIE MENGE ERWÄHNENWÜNSCHE), die wir vom Verkauf des Öls erhielten und er wurde durchdiplomatische Mittel auf ein Sicherheitsunternehmen verschoben.Dieses Geld wurde in der Sicherheitsgesellschaft gehalten, während festesGold und es bei einen anderen Namen niedergelegt wurden, das es sehrschwierig zu jedem, zu wissen bildet, dass die Stammkästen meiner Familiegehört. Das Sicherheitsunternehmen gab meinem Vater denHinterlegungsschein und die Kenn-Nummer. Geehrter Herr, erbitte ich, damitIhre Unterstützung Ihnen empfangen dieses Geld und halten es ermöglicht,bis ich schließlich meine Freiheit gewinne.Auf dem Eingang Ihrer Annahme meines Antrages schicke ich Ihnen dienotwendigen Informationen, um Ihnen zu ermöglichen, mit den Stammkästen inVerbindung zu treten und zu behaupten.
1) wievieles tun Prozentsatz, gründeten Sie zu beabsichtigen zu nehmenauf Ihrer Unterstützung. Und Sie sollten frei dich fühlen, an mich zurückzu gelangen niedrig auf diesem.
(2) schließen Ihre private Telefonnummer ein und email addressen für, umdie Vertraulichkeit dieses Geschäfts zu erhöhen.Ich informiere Sie die folgende Handlungsweise, sobald ich Ihre positiveReaktion empfing und ich Sie drängte, zu überprüfen, ob Sie dieseE-Mail-Nachricht führen abzusondern und vertraulich, da alle unsereFamilienanlagegüter ergriffen werden und Konto gesperrt werden.
Ich versichere Ihnen, dass dieses Geschäft das 100%-Risiko frei ist, nurwenn Sie mit meinen Anweisungen und der des Sicherheitsunternehmenshaften. Schließlich für Sicherheitsgründe spreche ich nicht mit Ihnen amTelefon während der gewesenen Zeit.
MFG,Saadi Gaddafi
I'm Recheal Smith, I am a US citizen, 48 years Old. I'm one of those that took part in the Compensation in Nigeria, London, And Malaysia two year's ago i was even contacted by email and individual claiming to be my country (FBI) and they told me that they will help me too and they too sucks me dry by me sending them money to help retrieved my money and me having a new and better life and they all refused to pay me, I had paid over $91,320 while in the US my husband and family had to leave me because i refused to listen to them when they are telling me to stop, trying to get my payment all to no avail.
So I decided to travel down to Nigeria with all my compensation documents, And I was directed to meet Barrister Curtis Uwagboi Esq, who is the member of COMPENSATION AWARD AUTHORITY and a Human Rights Activist (Lawyer), and I contacted him and he explained everything to me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake and listed the below information that they are all working together as one team and partners below. It all started with one who contacted me to help him and since then my life was hell till now below are some name's:
1.) Barrister Frank Okoh / Mr.Richard Smith
2.) FBI : Director John S. Pistole, Director Robert Swan Meuller III
3.) Name: John Simmons
4.) Eric William
All the above names and many more was listed to me and shown to me by Barrister Curtis Uwagboi, Because i was scammed by many. But i was disappointed when i went to my country FBI face to face to seek that i have been paying money to them. And they was very annoyed with me because they say that i am going above the law by dealing with people that are claiming to be them, I was heart broken and ashamed of my own self all of that i lost my hard earned money and my entire family at that. That's when i took the mind and spirit to go down to Nigeria when it all began?
Below are some of there emails i deal with and they suck me dry:
They are still real transaction in the world globe today but the scammers are just much than the real transaction so we are all confused so is better you gets the compensation money instead of pursuing empty and chartered dreams.
So whats the deal with this email? I have been dealing with a john simmons for a while and he has not delivered what he said he would, I have not sent him any money in a while but did send him some in the past, Not as much as this lady but a couple grand. He is still communicating with me but knows I will not send him any more money till i receive my fund what can i do to get my money and stop this man from getting others? Please note that I will never send anyone else any money including you to get money so if this is just another scam than you are wasting your time. please advise any steps that can be taken to secure my fund without any money to be paid by me BEFORE getting it thanks
When i went to the U.s.a embassy,i was directed to Barrister Curtis Uwagboi Esq immediately, He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment and he showed me care and help me when i first approached him i was very annoyed with all black's at that time. Right now I'm the most happiest woman on earth because I have received my compensation funds amounting to $1,700,000.00 Moreover, Barrister Curtis Uwagboi Esq, showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your email and name as one of the scam victims, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making money out of you. I will advise you to contact Barrister Curtis Uwagboi.
You have to contact him directly on this information below.
Name: Barrister Curtis Uwagboi Esq
Office Address: 13, Zion Street,Allen Avenue Ikeja Lagos Nigeria.
Mobile line:+ 234 702 662 6447
You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing.
The only money I paid after I met Barrister Curtis Uwagboi was just $850.00 for IRS permit, which you know, So you have to take note of that. Don't worry at all as you do not need to go down to his country Nigeria all he need's from you is for you to identify yourself briefly and he will take it from there. I am traveling to Spain to find my family now and start a new and better life but i had to do some good before i take my leave as i will not be coming to the computer for long again till i see my family and start a new and better life. Once again my friend do not waste your time and money on those empty promises instead go ahead and contact Barrister Curtis Uwagboi Esq.
Thank You and Be Blessed.
Mrs. Recheal Smith.
108 Crockett Court. Apt 303,
New Braunfels Texas.
United States of America
Dear Sir,
I saw your email address written in a piece of paper in one of my late
husbands files (not sure if I got it right) but I presume you are either
his friend or a business associate. My name is Salami Gaddafi, one of the
unofficial wives of the late ruler of Libya. I am sure you know what NATO
and their allies are doing to the Gaddafi family and assets after they
killed him. I would like to know if you can be trusted and reliable with
helping my son and I secure and save one of my late husbands undisclosed
cash deposits in a bank in Ghana.
My situation at moment is miserable as I am hiding and sleeping in
dungeons to avoid being seen or killed as they are still searching for
anything related to the Gaddafi family. We all know he lived a life that
not many people admired. I want to be able to give my kid a better life
and hope. He should not surfer for the sins of his father. I will provide
you with all the required documents to act as a trustee to the account
granting you authority to transfer the funds to your desired bank account
overseas and arrange for travel documents in new names to get us out of
here to a new country.
It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your
assistance and the balance would be invested in any profitable venture in
your Country
please, email me with your response ASAP via
and I will give you a number where you can reach us.
Thanks in Anticipation to your urgent response to this proposition