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Kunde 697024

© PayPal 2011

Mal wieder super mieses Deutsch. Irgendwie frage ich mich, ob ihnen das noch nicht aufgefallen ist :kicher Die Domain selbst ist aber nicht schlecht; wenn dann dort noch ein Imitat der Paypal Seite steht, dann könnte es klappen (wenn das Deutsch etwas besser ist).
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Entsperren Ihr PayPal-Konto

Diese E-Mail wurde Ihnen von PayPal an Sie informieren, dass wir nicht in der Lage, Ihre Daten zu überprüfen waren.
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2. Das Einreichen falscher Informationen während der Registrierung verarbeiten.

Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Dienst nicht unterbrochen wird, bitten wir Sie um zu bestätigen, und aktualisieren Sie Ihre Informationen heute unter folgendem Link:

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Vielen Dank für Ihre prompte Aufmerksamkeit in dieser Angelegenheit. Antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail.
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Kunde 697024

© PayPal 2011

Weil es schön ist... :haha
Nachdem sich die Nachricht von dem 2 Milliarden Betrug - z.B. Gewinnwarnung: UBS-Händler verzockt 2 Mrd. Dollar | - auch in der englischen Presse - z.B. BBC News - Rogue trader costs UBS $2bn - verbreitet hat, kommen die ersten Phishing Versuche auf ...

Most Warmest Greeting of the Season,

My name is Kweku Adoboli, and I was lately employed as a trader with a major Swiss financial institution. IN my role I was able to divert funds into various bank accounts in my home country of Ghana. I am looking for a partner in your country, and several of our mutual friends referred me to your kind self.

The assets I have hidden sum over US$2,000,000,0000 (TWO BILLION US DOLLARS). Please provide your banking coordinates so that I can affect a transfer of this sum to you. In exchange for helping me with this transaction, you will be entitled to a commission of $500,000,000 (FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS).

Thank you, and with most anticipation of your honorable reply,

Kweku Adoboli

P.S. -- I need only $750,000 in advance for you as a demonstration of your good faith (and for my bail money)

Also wer will .... Ich finde nur den Betrag, den sie verlangen (750'000$) etwas hoch ;)

Cheers, :winke
der Admin
:wohoo ich werde reich

Anerkennen Ich habe ein gegenseitiges Geschдft Vorschlag von gemeinsamem Interesse, mit Ihnen zu teilen; Es geht um die Ьbertragung einer groЯen Geldsumme. Ich habe Ihren Hinweis in meiner Suche nach jemandem, der passt mir vorgeschlagenen Geschдftsbeziehung. Wenn Sie sind in der Arbeit mit mir kontaktieren Sie mich durch meine interessiert private E-Mail (wong_p fьr weitere Einzelheiten Ihre frьheste Reaktion auf dieses Schreiben wird geschдtzt. Best Regard, Mr.Peter Wong Hang Seng Bank Ltd
Ist vor ein paar Tagen in meinem SPAM Ordner gelandet:

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport 6000 N Terminal Pkwy
Atlanta, GA 30320

Attn: Consignee,

This is to inform you that we Intercepted your Consignment Box Tagged house Hold Personal effect on Transit from London City Airport (LCY). When scanned it revealed 450Bundles of $100Dollars Bills which is estimated to be $4.5Million Dollar. The consignment was intercepted because it was not properly declared by the private delivery company as money rather personal effect.

The details on the consignment tagged.

Wheels: 4 wheels
Handles: Trolley handle with top & side handles
Dimensions: Height: 2.30 ft, Width: 1.64 ft, Depth: 0.98 ft
Weight: 177Pounds.

We need a reconfirmation;

1. Your Name.
2. Home phone & Cell Phone
3. Home delivery address
4. Occupation.
5. Any form of Identification either Drivers license or International Passport.
6. Email address.

So you are expected to come for the normalization of your shipping Documents and pick up of your Consignment here in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Get back so that l will advice you on what you have to come with.

Best Regard.
Mr. Peter Ferguson.

Na ich glaube 4,5 Mill Dollar kann ich locker verschmerzen, das ist Taschengeld für mich. Muss ich das nächste Mal auf 2 Koffer aufteilen, da fällts nicht so auf :totlach
Wieder eins, diesmal im Auftrag des Herrn. Passend zum Papstbesuch.

The General Council Of TheASSEMBLIES OF GOD Church

My name is Rev Pastor LAWRENCE RAYMOND LARSON am 75yrs old of age, i stay at 8449 S.W. 108th Place, Ocala, Florida 34481 U.S.A.I am a good merchant, I have several industrial companies and good share in various banks in the world.I spend all my life on ministry and cooperate business both is Asia,Europe and here in America .

I am a very godly man with all cost i care about orphanage and privileged people, since when I have an experience of my difficult to sleep and give rest. later in the year 2010 November i was sent a letter of medical check up, as my personal doctor testify that i have a lung cancer, which can easily take off my life soon.I found it uneasy to survive myself, because a lot of my investment cannot be run and manage by me again.I quickly call up my fellow pastor/prophet to give me positive thinking on this solution, as my adviser. He ministered to me to share my properties, wealth, to motherless baby/orphanage homes/people that need money for survivor, business woman and man for their investment and for future rising.

Therefore I am writing this letter to people who are really need help to contact me urgently. so that i can make available preparation on that.especially women of the day, who are divorced by their husband, why they cannot survive from feeding their self. please contact me and stop weeping.

probably let me know what you really need the money for, and if you can still help me to distribute money to nearest orphanages homes near your town. Now am so much with God, am now born again .May the lord bless you, as you reach me,please to remind you,don't belong to scammers or any act of fraudulent act on Internet. I will give more information to you as i await your
response immediately.

Best Regards

NB.From there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."Deuteronomy 4:29