What are you reading right now?

I should finally start with part 4 of 'die Wanderhure' but i'm soooo lazy and tired right now ;)
I'm reading "Die vierzig Tage des Musa Dagh" - it is about the genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. It is taking me a long time read, just because the story is so sad and the topic is so horrible :(
"The Associate" John Grisham

As awesome as usual, just love John Grisham.
The White Tiger, and so far I don't like it, but maybe it gets better.. :) (I have to read it for my English course)
I just finished the following two books:

Immaculée Ilibagiza:
- Left to Tell (Discovering God amidst the Rwandan holocaust)
- Led by Faith (continuation)

Those books are about how Immaculée survived the Rwandan genocide as a young Tutsi woman. Especially the first book is a very powerful story. I thought it would be too sad and cruel to read but it is not. It might end up being my favorite book of 2010!
More info: http://www.lefttotell.com/
The Lucky One / Nicholas "schmalz" Sparks