Lustige Shirts

Das ist ein alter...
My dog ate my homework
Der ist auch gut... lol

I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months...I don't like to interrupt her.
Stupidity is not a handicap! Park elsewhere!
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow is not looking good either
Do I look like a fucking People Person???


Eines meiner liebsten.. und auch aeltesten

"if you go me on the nerven, I put you into the gulli, do the deckel druff and you will never come back to the tageslicht"

Do I look like a fucking People Person???


Eines meiner liebsten.. und auch aeltesten

"if you go me on the nerven, I put you into the gulli, do the deckel druff and you will never come back to the tageslicht"


ja den liebe ich auch total!!! :haha