What movie are you watching


Well-Known Member
wie war der denn? Bin naemlich am ueberlegen ob ich ihn mir anschauen soll?!

ich fand ihn lustig....nicht superduperspitzenmäßiggut, aber um einen weiteren Abend ohne meinen Mann zu überstehen und mich zu amüsieren hat's gereicht!

Wer ihn im Kino gucken kann, sollte reingehen....wer lieber wartet, bis er auf DVD rauskommt...hat auch noch so was davon.

Benjamin Button und der Fremde Sohn fand ich super!

Merkt man, dass ich es ausnutze, bei meinen Eltern zu wohnen (also einen Babysitter im Haus habe), mein Mann weit weg in Texas ist und ich eine Cousine habe, die sich vor kurzem von ihrem Mann getrennt hat? So oft war ich mit meinem Mann in den letzten fünf Jahren nicht im Kino!

Sorry....just now realised that this is the english only section.
It's hard to distinguish where you are whenever you are coming from the new posts section.

But I will try to check for this more carefully in the future!
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New Member
Born in East LA fuer meinen Latin America History course.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow evening I am going to watch "He is just not that into you" together with some other soccer Mom's...we' are going to have a women's evening out....it's not going to get too late, but still a lot of fun!


Well-Known Member

Born in East LA fuer meinen Latin America History course.

Here some more suggestions regarding your Latin American cultural studies:

- Como Agua para Chocolate (Mexico 1992; book by Laura Esquivel), here a preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_u2gbvxS1A

- Fresa y Chocolate (Cuba 1993), preview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OO-em3myzU

- Danzón (Mexico 1991), preview/beginning here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIA5ALnRvX4. On Wikipedia you can read what it is about: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danz%C3%B3n_(pel%C3%ADcula)

I love those movies!


Well-Known Member
I watched "The lives of Others" the other day. German movie with subtitles. It was kind of....I don't know what to think besides wired....my husband liked it.
Has anyone else seen it?


Well-Known Member
I watched "The lives of Others" the other day. German movie with subtitles. It was kind of....I don't know what to think besides wired....my husband liked it.
Has anyone else seen it?

I saw it a while ago and I really liked it. It is scary, isn't it?!

I also saw "Die Wölfe" about 2 weeks ago, that is a movie in three episodes about a group of friends from after WW II until the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was on ZDF about 2 weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen 'taken' yet? If so, did you like it? We are thinking about renting it once it's out on Video/DVD