Birthday Calculator


Wie alt wirst du?

Hier kommt deine Auswertung:

Du bist zur Zeit: 48 Jahre alt.

Du wirst mit: 90 Jahren sterben!

Dein Todesdatum ist der 9.12.2051.

Alle Ergebnisse sind natürlich nur Fiktion;) Also keine Angst!

Meine Verwandten sind alle ueber 90 Jahre alt, das werde ich auch werden. lol
Na dann bin ich jetzt gerade in der Mitte meines Lebens. :-)


New Member
What your first name means: TeutonicFemaleHero's daughter.SwedishFemaleIng's daughter.ScandinavianFemaleIng's ride. Ing was the Norse god of peace and fertility. Famous Bearer: Actress Ingrid Bergman.NorseFemaleBeauty of Froy
Das ist ja mal interesant zu wissen. :-)
Musste man irgendwo seinen Namen angeben? :shy


New Member
What your first name means: HebrewFemaleFountain.

Your number is: 9
The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.

Your Inner Dream number is: 4 An Inner Dream number of 4 means:
You dream of being a very solid citizen that people can depend upon. You strive for organization and predictable order. You want to be recognized as a person with a plan and the discipline to make that plan work like clockwork.

jaja.. typisch Schweizerisch.. :totlach


Well-Known Member

It tells you how many hours and how many seconds you have been alive on
this earth and even when you were probably conceived!

This is fun and, most of all, very interesting. After you've finished
reading the info, click again, and see what the moon looked like the
night you were born. Who says our time clocks aren't ticking....


:winke Das ist ja interresant ;)


Active Member
Mir gefällt der Link auch.

Your Inner Dream number is: 5

An Inner Dream number of 5 means:You dream of being totally free and unrestrained by responsibility

Ich wußte, ich hätte nicht heiraten sollen!!! :theatralisch ;)


Well-Known Member
Du bist zur Zeit: 32 Jahre alt.

Du wirst mit: 84 Jahren sterben!

Dein Todesdatum ist der 12.12.2061.


Your date of conception was on or about 1 March 1976 which was a Monday.

You were born on a Monday
under the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Your Life path number is 11.

Your fortune cookie reads:
In the end there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love.

Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 4.62270058708415 years old. (You're still chasing cats!) ;)

Today is not one of your lucky days! :(


New Member
Du bist zur Zeit: 32 Jahre alt.

Du wirst mit: 84 Jahren sterben!

Dein Todesdatum ist der 12.12.2061.


Your date of conception was on or about 1 March 1976 which was a Monday.

You were born on a Monday
under the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Your Life path number is 11.

Your fortune cookie reads:
In the end there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love.

Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 4.62270058708415 years old. (You're still chasing cats!) ;)

Today is not one of your lucky days! :(
Schönen Gruß von einer 11 an die andere :winke :D


Active Member
Ich hab' auch noch ein paar Jährchen vor mir :hurra

Wie alt wirst du?

Hier kommt deine Auswertung:

Du bist zur Zeit: 35 Jahre alt.

Du wirst mit: 84 Jahren sterben!

Dein Todesdatum ist der 12.2.2059.

Alle Ergebnisse sind natürlich nur Fiktion;) Also keine Angst!