Koennte eventuell ein paar Leute hier interessieren:
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann betrifft das nicht nur Leute, die eine (Civil Service) Rente aus den USA beziehen zuzueglich zur Social Security, sondern auch Leute, die ein Renteneinkommen aus dem Ausland haben, das bis jetzt auf die Social Security angerechnet wurde. Das wird dann zukuenftig nicht mehr der Fall sein und ist so effektiv eine US Rentenerhoehung.
Biden signs Social Security Fairness Act into law
The Social Security Fairness Act repeals WEP and GPO, two provisions that reduce or eliminate Social Security benefits for certain federal annuitants.
President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law Sunday afternoon, the final step needed for nearly 3 million public sector employees, retirees, spouses and surviving spouses to begin receiving larger monthly Social Security payments.
The legislation repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset — two longstanding provisions of Social Security that reduce or eliminate benefits for certain government retirees, including Civil Service Retirement System annuitants, as well as teachers, firefighters, police officers and others who have worked in a public sector position.
"The bill I'm signing today is about a simple proposition: Americans who have worked hard all their lives to earn an honest living should be able to retire with economic security and dignity," Biden said at a bill signing ceremony held Sunday at the White House. "The law that existed denied millions of Americans access to the full Social Security benefits they earned by thousands of dollars a year."
WEP reduces Social Security payments for anyone who receives an annuity from their time spent working in government, but who also worked in a Social Security-covered job. The provision impacts roughly 2 million individuals, including federal retirees in CSRS.

Biden signs Social Security Fairness Act into law
The Social Security Fairness Act repeals WEP and GPO, two provisions that reduce or eliminate Social Security benefits for certain federal annuitants.

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann betrifft das nicht nur Leute, die eine (Civil Service) Rente aus den USA beziehen zuzueglich zur Social Security, sondern auch Leute, die ein Renteneinkommen aus dem Ausland haben, das bis jetzt auf die Social Security angerechnet wurde. Das wird dann zukuenftig nicht mehr der Fall sein und ist so effektiv eine US Rentenerhoehung.

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