US citizenship at birth


New Member
Dear experts,

Have searched the Forum to find answers regarding my case. There are still important questions left and I doubt that I understood everything. Could you please help me?

A child born abroad has US-citizenship if one parent is US-citizen.

Background: Father is US-citizen, born in the USA, has served honorably in the US-forces abroad for 15 years. His last position was general. Mother: German

The child does have US-citizenship but the US certificate of birth required for American citizenship? Thats the big matter. My mum did everything to avoid connections with the USA. So all documents are in German only except for a letter by court wherehin my dad accepts me as his child plus the child support has been set to US $ 100/month.

I am 32 years old, born in Germany, in the "Fuehrungszeugnis" the German authorities do list both, American and German citizenship. On the website of the US gov I read that I have got US citizenship at birth but on another page they do list a US certificate of birth which I do not have.

I want to restart in the USA since I am the last of my family (all died over the last years) in Germany whilst there is a bunch of family all over the USA. :usa

As far as I understand it is for sure possible to get the citizenship. Details are the only matter. Is the American certificate of birth really required? I am in the states right now for vacation so I can not call the embassy but they cant wait here so hopefully you can help so I'll be able to provide them answers. ;)

Does anyone know about German retirement fund by the government? It sounds as there would be no problem or is there a danger of a loss?

These are the biggest concerns right now.

Thank you so much for your help!

Best regards,
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Asgard,

Du kannst keine US-Geburtsurkunde haben, weil Du in Deutschland geboren ist. Die Geburtsurkunde wird immer vom Geburtsland ausgestellt.
Wenn Dein Vater die Vaterschaft anerkannt hat und ich nehme an, daß das in der Geburtsurkunde (heutzutage heißt das "Auszug aus dem Geburtsregister") auch so vermerkt ist, solltest Du einen US-Pass erhalten. Wenn der Auszug aus dem Geburtsregister den US-Behörden nicht ausreicht, ist es sinnvoll, wenn Dein Vater nochmals seine Vaterschaft schriftlich bestätigt.

So mein Kenntnisstand, mal abwarten, was andere dazu schreiben.
Und die Geburtsurkunde kann man sich ganz einfach auch in internationaler Form ausstellen lassen. Einfach beim Standesamt des Geburtsortes nachfragen. Kostet 10 bis 17€
Hi Asgard/George,

Being that one of your parents is US citizen and you have a) prove of his/her citizenship and b) you have a written statement of your father accepting you as his child you should not have a problem getting your "Certificate of Birth Abroad" which is what it is called. You need to get an appointment with the US Embassy and bring every single piece of paperwork (proof) available with you.
My sons both were born in Germany with me as their German mother and their father being a US citizen. They do have both citizenship's (as descendants of either citizens) by birth. They have the German Birth Certificate and the American "Certificate of Birth Abroad" and thus have all privileges as any other citizen of either country.
Go get an appointment with the US Embassy and they will help you. Just keep in mind, they may charge you a fee but they should tell you that when you call to make the appointment.

You can get retirement information from the German Versicherungsanstalt, but you also will need to make an appointment. There is a retirement agreement between the US and Germany and the times you work in either country will count toward the retirement. Details can be found online, in a brochure issued by the German Versicherungsanstalt or in a one-on-one meeting with one of their representatives.

Good luck!

Best regards, Eva
The child does have US-citizenship but the US certificate of birth required for American citizenship? Thats the big matter.
I am 32 years old, born in Germany, in the "Fuehrungszeugnis" the German authorities do list both, American and German citizenship. On the website of the US gov I read that I have got US citizenship at birth but on another page they do list a US certificate of birth which I do not have.
Du kannst doch garkein US certificate haben weil du ja nicht in USA geboren wurdest..da gibt es zwei verschiedene Sachen..guckst du hier..unter

Birth Abroad Out-of-Wedlock to a U.S. Citizen Father – “New” Section 309(a)
Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

As far as I understand it is for sure possible to get the citizenship. Details are the only matter. Is the American certificate of birth really required? I am in the states right now for vacation so I can not call the embassy but they cant wait here so hopefully you can help so I'll be able to provide them answers.
Auch hier du bist ja in D geboren

Does anyone know about German retirement fund by the government? It sounds as there would be no problem or is there a danger of a loss?
Die Rente wird still gelegt und du bekommst die dann nach USA geschickt..auszahlen lassen geht nicht..

mach einen Termin im US-Konsulat in Frankfurt...hast du denn einen US-Pass? Und hast du US-Taxreturn gemacht? Wahrscheinlich ja nicht....da musste mal bei IRS gucken da gibt es extra eine Abtlg. fuer US-Citizens die im Ausland leben..

And by the way..we're al Germans here..;)
You can get retirement information from the German Versicherungsanstalt, but you also will need to make an appointment.
Fuer was denn? Der Ag meldet ihn ab und fertig...wenn er dann in USA eine Adresse hat teilt er die dem Versicherer mit und kann dann gemuetlich auf die Rente warten..und wie gesagt auszahlen geht nicht..
Thank you so much!

Sounds lots easier than I imagined. :wohoo I will go for the Certificate of Birth Abroad and get it started. The time I must leave comes closer and I am getting sad.

Thank you all!!!

Best regards,