Help needed, Austauschschüler sucht neue Gastfamilie


Duc Anh Vu

Hello my name is Duc :),

maybe it is a little weired to write all this in a forum, but I am a
little helpless and desperate here with all my problems, maybe one of
you can help :)

I live with my parents and my sister in Germany and currently I'm in
the US for one High school year as an exchange student.
I have faced many problems since my arrival here. I'm right now in
Ashley, Ohio in a temporary family.
I've been with a host dad who also lives in Ashley for a week. But
after one week there was a fight between him and the area
representative (LC) and he quitted the program. The LC should be a
person who is responsible for me here in the US, if I have any
problems, but unfortunately I have more problems because she is
causing them!!!
My Organization ACES (the employer of my LC) kick my host dad from the
program because they think he is "dangerous". The reason is because my
host dad and the LC were discussing about the subjects my host brother
takes in school. Which is a childish thing.
My host brother wanted and still wants (!) to be in information
technology, because he wants to become an IT teacher when he is back
in indonesia. But my LC keeps falsely accusing us (yes also me) that
we MADE him to take this subject.
At some point she starts to freak out and insulted my host father and
then she just hang up and didn't pick up the phone again.
Also my phonecalls! This is just irresponsible because she should be
responsible for me, how can she do it if she just don`t answer my
phone calls?
She said a lot of wrong things about me at school, so now I ambaressed
to go to school, because she is saying I am forcing my host brother to
take IT class.

She says that he wants to be a teacher and this is why he needs to go
to Early childhood education which is the completly wrong
direction...I mean he won't teach kindergartenkids IT.and ...anyways
there is no point for us why we should make him go to IT. My host dad
gets nothing from it and me neither...actually it means more work for
me. I'm also in IT and his english is not so good...he still needs me
sometimes to explain something to him or help him express what he
wants to say.
Anyways...I don't know what she told her bosses but they don't even
allow me to visit my host dad. Because he is too dangerous!!! Well
some days later ACES asked him to host other kids?! Comon they must be
insane if they are asking a "dangerous" person to host a child...

Well I called my organization in Germany and they can't do anything
because my organization in the US (ACES) won't coorperate with them
and doesn't react to their requests.
I also tried to call them and also did my is the same
result. They treat us like we are just children and that nothing
special happened and that everythings fine and so on and so on.
I know exactly what their problem is: they cannot fire my LC because
she has to find other host families. Neither can they find any good
host families in this short time.

I cannot trust my LC anymore. I hope you can understand that.
I'm trying to find a family by my own and far away from her territory.
I want to get out from Ohio and I also want to change the school
because I didn`t have a good start here.

I would like to leave Ashley, in this village there are 1200 people
and there is no possibility for me to get out of here. I am not
allowed to drive and here are no busses, also there is nobody who can
drive me.
And about the school here...I am not challenged at all. The stuff they
are teaching here I've have learned in Germany years ago and they
don't offer higher classes. For example I am taking online classes in
maths because I have solved all the most difficult courses already and
the other subjects are also too easy.
If I would stay here the whole year I won't learn anything besides
english which is sad and a waste of time. I am skipping a grade in
Germany...I know it is hard to catch up with the stuff but I was ok
with trading it for experience and improving english skills.
Well in Ashley I won't experience anything...And this is why I'm trying to move.

Do you know anyone in your neighborhood or circle of friends who would
like to host a German/Vietnamese boy? If you have any suggestions
please kindly let me know, we can chat so that you can get to know me

Urgently waiting for your respond!!! Thank you in advance :), respectfully

Duc Anh Vu
Hallo Duc Anh Vu,

leider kann ich Dir bei Deinem Problem nicht helfen, aber es ist völlig okay, wenn Du hier auf Deutsch schreibst, denn in diesem Forum halten sich vorwiegend deutschsprachige Forenuser auf. :)
Natuerlich, danke :D
Ich dachte mir nur, dass falls es jemand seinen Freunden schicken oder zeigen moechte, es einfacher ist.


Ich weiß damit nicht so bescheid, aber muß man als Gasteltern nicht erstmal von der Orga geprüft werden und gelistet sein?
Naja, vielleicht klappts ja irgendwie. Viel :glueck
Das wird wohl knifflig; im Grunde genommen, darfst du nichts ohne Einwilligung deiner US Organisation (sprich ACES tun). Dein Hauptansprechpartner für alle Probleme ist dein LC - was natürlich problematisch wird wenn du wie erwähnt überhaupt nicht mit der Person klarkommst bzw. ihr nicht vertraust ... hast du einen Wechsel der Stadt bzw. der Schule einmal direkt angesprochen? Im Normalfall sollte dies kein Problem darstellen, besonders wenn noch nicht soviel Zeit deines Aufenthalts rum ist. Ein Wechsel der Host Family ist übrigens "üblich" ... bis zu 25% wechseln während ihres Aufenthalts die Family (wobei dies oft aufgrund der fehlenden "Chemie" zwischen Schüler und Family ist und nicht weil es wie in deinem Fall erzwungen wird ...)

Aber zurück zum eigentlichen Problem; deine Organisation in Deutschland müsste sich um das Problem kümmern - haben sie überhaupt ernsthaft versucht mit der ACES bzw. der dort zuständigen Person zu sprechen? Leider gibt es einige Organisationen, die sich - nachdem sie ja bereits abkassiert haben - überhaupt nicht mehr für den Austauschschüler zuständig fühlen. Selbst mit der ACES zu sprechen, kann sehr schwierig sein, da sie auch gerne mal auf den LC verweisen; und da beisst sich ja die Katze in den Schwanz. Letztendlich bleibt nur, Druck zu machen - denn das letze Mittel ist ein Abbruch des Austauschjahrs, was wiederum sehr unschön wäre, wenn sich nichts ändert (Schule/Family) aber aus meiner Sicht das vernünftigste ist. Ich drück dir die Daumen.

Cheers, :winke
der Admin
Wenn ACES sich absolut nicht ruehrt, dann wuerde ich mal versuchen, den Weg ueber den Guidance Counselor Deiner Schule zu gehen. Ich denke mal, wenn die Schule oder gar der Schulbezirk Druck macht und sich eventuell weigert, in Zukunft mit der Organisation zusammen zu arbeiten, dann koennte ACES vielleicht ein bisschen aktiver werden. Zumindest kostet es Dich nichts, das zu probieren.

Viel Glueck.