Having a bad day?

Ich glaubs ja nicht, die Seite ist ja vielleicht cool, die habe ich mir jetzt mal gleich unter favorites abgespeichert, habe so lachen muessen, da werde ich nun des oefteren mal reinschauen.
Mein Liebling bis jetzt:

Today, I handed my PhD dissertation, which I have spent the past year researching and writing full-time. Last night, my roommate set an autocorrect on Word that changed "neither" to "nigger." I didn't notice until after I handed it in. My professor is black. FML
Dieser hier: :auslach

Today, I asked a very cute fireman for his number "just in case I needed him to come to my rescue"... He told me "Yeah sure!" and scribbled it down. After he walked away I read his note: "911". FML
Mein Liebling bis jetzt:

Today, I handed my PhD dissertation, which I have spent the past year researching and writing full-time. Last night, my roommate set an autocorrect on Word that changed "neither" to "nigger." I didn't notice until after I handed it in. My professor is black. FML

oh mein gott, das ist ja geil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :totlach
Die Seite ist genial...

Mein Favorit bisher...

Today, I went to the Doctor with my parents. When the doctor asked if I was sexually active, I said 'Yes.' My mom laughed and said 'Good one.' My dad, for added effect said, 'Your hand doesn't count.' FML



Today, I woke up to the sound of scissors. My mom was cutting my hair while I was asleep. FML

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