Guten Appetit - NOT!!


Well-Known Member
Ich hab dies von einer anderen Baustelle kopiert, weil ich denke, das wollt ihr vielleicht auch wissen:

Window cleaning chemical injected into fast food hamburger meat

Window cleaning chemical injected into fast food hamburger meat

If you're in the beef business, what do you do with all the extra cow parts and trimmings that have traditionally been sold off for use in pet food? You scrape them together into a pink mass, inject them with a chemical to kill the e.coli, and sell them to fast food restaurants to make into hamburgers.

That's what's been happening all across the USA with beef sold to McDonald's, Burger King, school lunches and other fast food restaurants, according to a New York Times article. The beef is injected with ammonia, a chemical commonly used in glass cleaning and window cleaning products.

This is all fine with the USDA, which endorses the procedure as a way to make the hamburger beef "safe" enough to eat. Ammonia kills e.coli, you see, and the USDA doesn't seem to be concerned with the fact that people are eating ammonia in their hamburgers.

This ammonia-injected beef comes from a company called Beef Products, Inc. As NYT reports, the federal school lunch program used a whopping 5.5 million pounds of ammonia-injected beef trimmings from this company in 2008. This company reportedly developed the idea of using ammonia to sterilize beef before selling it for human consumption.

Aside from the fact that there's ammonia in the hamburger meat, there's another problem with this company's products: The ammonia doesn't always kill the pathogens. Both e.coli and salmonella have been found contaminating the cow-derived products sold by this company.

This came as a shock to the USDA, which had actually exempted the company's products from pathogen testing and product recalls. Why was it exempted? Because the ammonia injection process was deemed so effective that the meat products were thought to be safe beyond any question.

What else is in there? ...
As the NYT reports, "The company says its processed beef, a mashlike substance frozen into blocks or chips, is used in a majority of the hamburger sold nationwide. But it has remained little known outside industry and government circles. Federal officials agreed to the company's request that the ammonia be classified as a 'processing agent' and not an ingredient that would be listed on labels."

Fascinating. So you can inject a beef product with a chemical found in glass cleaning products and simply call it a "processing agent" -- with the full permission and approval of the USDA, no less! Does anyone doubt any longer how deeply embedded the USDA is with the beef industry?

Apparently, this practice of injecting fast food beef with ammonia has been a well-kept secret for years. I never knew this was going on, and this news appears to be new information to virtually everyone. The real shocker is that "a majority" of fast food restaurants use this ammonia-injected cow-derived product in their hamburger meat. It sort of makes you wonder: What else is in there that we don't know about?

"School lunch officials and other customers complained about the taste and smell of the beef," says the NYT. No wonder. It's been pumped full of chemicals.

There are already a thousand reasons not to eat fast food. Make this reason number 1,001. Ammonia. It's not supposed to be there.

You can get the same effect by opening a can of dog food made with beef byproducts, spraying it with ammonia, and swallowing it. That is essentially what you're eating when you order a fast food burger.


Well-Known Member
Igitt, ich weiss schon, warum ich Veggie bin. Und der Hund kriegt auch nur Fleisch, das frisch gewolft wurde..der versieht das Gesicht, wenn es nicht ganz frisch oder zu fettig ist. Der beste Vorkoster.

Ich hoffe, das wird schnell unterbunden....


Well-Known Member
Das ist echt krank. Aber ich weiss schon warum ich dem USDA und FDA nicht ueber den Weg traue. Meiner Meinung nach alles Geldmacherei auf Kosten der Buerger.:scheisse


Well-Known Member
Nicht Bürger, Burger *g*

Wundert mich, dass sonst keiner antwortet. Sind sicher alles Vegetarier hier, oder nicht-Burger-Esser :)


Well-Known Member
Hmm...was soll man dazu noch sagen. Darum geht man nicht zu Mc Donalds oder anderen Fast Food Restaurants...fertig.


Also, ich hab mir den Artikel mal durchgelesen, udn muss sagen, dass der von Polemik udn Halbinformation nur so strotzt>

Was die als Amonia bezeichnen, ist eigentlich Quaternary Amonia Cation. Ein Cationiisches Salz aus der Amonium Gruppe, auch im Fachjargon Quats genannt. Das ist das einzige Mittel, welches in Food Service zur High Level Disinfection von FDA und EPA/USDA erlaubt ist.

Quats koennte man zur Not auch in Wasser gelaoest auch trinken, und ich nehme mal stark an, dass das Fleisch damit nur gespuehlt wird, sonst koennte man das sicherlich nciht essen, da es nicht sonderlich gut riecht. Quats haben aber absolut nichts mit dem Amonium zu tun, welches in Fenstereiniger gebraucht wird, auch wenn sich der Name aehnlich anhoert.

Es waere nett, wenn sich die Authoren solcher Artikel mal erst Informieren wuerden, ehe sie solche Sachen schreiben.

Im uebriegen waere auch amonium nicht schaedlich, wenn es verduennt getrunken oder gegessen wuerde, da Amonium eh ein Bestandteil des Urins ist.

Auf jeden Fall waeren mir Quats behndelte Nahrungsmittel erheblich lieber als das in Deutschland so beleibte Gammelfleisch (und auch das ist unschaedlich wenn es richtig erhitzt wurde);)


Well-Known Member
Auf jeden Fall waeren mir Quats behndelte Nahrungsmittel erheblich lieber als das in Deutschland so beleibte Gammelfleisch (und auch das ist unschaedlich wenn es richtig erhitzt wurde);)

Am liebsten wäre mir weder - noch.


Well-Known Member
Skandal, zwei der giftigsten Stoffe werden jeden in Mengen von Menschen zu sich genommen und sogar in Supermaerkten frei verkauft. Natrium und Chlor, beide hochgiftig, wird unter dem unscheinbaren Namen Tafelsalz frei verkauft.... ;)