Arizona bill would criminalize illegal immigrants


Well-Known Member
A bill moving fast through the Arizona Senate would allow local police to arrest and incarcerate someone for "trespassing" into the territory of the state.

"The federal government is not doing its job so we're going to do it," said Sen. Russell Pearce (R-Mesa), author of the bill, which is called the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Act.

On Wednesday, the Senate Public Safety and Human Services Committee approved SB 1070. Pearce said he is confident that the bill would clear the Legislature and have the support of Gov. Jan Brewer.

During her State of the State speech, the Republican governor mentioned specifically that she would be working with Pearce to "enhance the existing penalties for any criminal alien who returns to our state."

The trespassing bill would make it a misdemeanor to be in the state illegally. A person arrested twice under the law would be charged with a felony. The Arizona bill includes a number of provisions, including one proscribing "sanctuary polices," and restricting any government agency or city from limiting immigration enforcement.
Arizona Law Would Criminalize Undocumented Immigrants - NAM
Ich glaube, ich tendiere da eher zu dieser Meinung hier:

dick on Jan 25, 2010 at 06:40:45 said:
It may sound good to many who think this is a good idea,but once it is put into action it will catch flak,and mostly because of shoddy police work and the way it will be abused.That is when it will be contested.It would be easier if all American employers who continue to hire these people,would themselves be put in jail or heavily fined,because they are the root of this problem,but it is always easier for Americans to point the finger south.
Und weiter geht's...

AZ bill would force police to check immigration status

If SB 1070 ever becomes law in Arizona, illegal immigrants there surely will be on an even faster track to neighboring states such as New Mexico, California and Texas. As we've written here before, many undocumented immigrants have already fled the state in the aftermath of laws targeting illegal immigration.

But this new proposed legislation strives to make life even harder for illegal immigrants in Arizona.

SB1070 would require police to make a "reasonable attempt" to determine the immigration status of anyone they come into contact with during an investigation. And it would make the mere presence of an illegal immigrant anywhere in Arizona a violation of state trespass laws.

Other provisions of the measure would:

• Bar government agencies from having policies that preclude workers from informing federal officials if someone seeking a permit, license or benefit turns out to be an illegal immigrant.

• Prohibit illegal immigrants from soliciting work in public places and making it a crime for them to actually do any sort of work at all in Arizona.

• Make it illegal to stop on a street to hire temporary workers.

• Allow people to be arrested for transporting, concealing or harboring anyone if they knew or "recklessly disregarded the fact" the person has entered this country illegally.
Bill requires cops to check immigration status
SB1070 would require police to make a "reasonable attempt" to determine the immigration status of anyone they come into contact with during an investigation. And it would make the mere presence of an illegal immigrant anywhere in Arizona a violation of state trespass laws.

Das stelle ich mir aber interessant vor: Wie und wann "an investigation" ansteht, bleibt ja voll und ganz der Polizei überlassen.

Theoretischer Fall: Der Parkplatz eines Home Depot/Lowe's/OSH wird abgesperrt und alle dort Anwesenden werden nach ihrem Status befragt. Wie geht es dann weiter? Zur Identifikation wird es kaum etwas anderes geben als den Führerschein. Illegale Einwanderer verfügen jedoch häufig über gefälschte Führerscheine. Und nun? Da stehen dann ein paar Hundert Menschen zusammen, der Grossteil davon voellig unschuldige und legale Bewohner oder Bürger, deren Personalien überprüft werden?

Das Theater moechte ich sehen, wenn dann die Klagen gegen die Polizei losgehen. :ohno
Das scheint mir genauso ein laecherliches Gesetz zu sein, wie viele der polemisch popolistichen Gesetzesversuche von Staatsregierungen, die ihren Buergern zeigen wollen, wie hart on Crime sie doch sind!.

Das Gesetz wird garantiert schneller in nem Federal Court wieder rausgeworfen, als der Staat Polizisten zur Uberwachung animieren kann! Und ja, da brauchen nur mal ein paar streitwillige Buerger aus Versehen fuer ein paar Stunden festgehalten zu werden, und schon wird der zustaendige Polizeichef hoffen, nie den Job angenommen zu haben!
War ja auch völlig übertrieben. Gut, daß so entschieden wurde :up